Sunday, December 16, 2007

More Cookies!!

As promised, here are more of the cookie creations. We’re up to over 300 cookies made (we’re not eating them all, they’re for various Christmas programs, etc.) Anyone can do trees and stars and Santa’s, here is just a sampling of the oddities we call Christmas cookies.

We have a herd of horses
A few penguins
Some really strange hypnotic tool
A wise guy (I mean Wise Man)
And proof that Nathanael sees cookies as merely a vehicle for frosting and goodies

Not pictured are such Christmas classics as frogs, guinea pigs, and of course everyone’s favorite: the Christmas Hippopotamus (not available for photos, since they were eaten!)

Hope you all are having an equally sugar filled Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Playing His Praises

The girls had their very first concert tonight. They started in September in a homeschool orchestra and have made some amazing progress. In addition to being beautiful, they both played beautifully as well. (Can you tell we’re proud?)

Of course, Kenaniah didn’t like someone else being the center of attention, so he decided to do something about that.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Cookie Central

Decorating Christmas cookies is a major tradition in our home.

The boys even help (even if they do eat more than they decorate!)

And the finished product is quite nice.

Actually, these are "first run" cookies. As they go, they get more and more creative and colorful. So far we've put together about 9 dozen cookies, with more to come. Hopefully, we'll get some more of the really creative designs on a bit later.

Friday, December 7, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Dad finally got some lights up. Unfortunately, the white spots in the picture are only drops of misty rain caught by the flash, not snow. In fact, it sounds like we're going to get a bunch of ice this weekend, but then maybe some real snow afterwards. Hope you all are safe and warm where you are.