Thursday, July 22, 2010

College Update

So...I figured I ought to do this every once in a while, to keep this blog alive if nothing else. :)
It's now been about nine weeks since I started the summer work program here at school. I'm enjoying myself a lot, actually--I'm pretty homesick sometimes, but there are a bunch of really cool people here and I'm enjoying the chance to get used to college life before I have to worry about class schedules and such.
There have been some "oh drat" moments recently--my computer fried (it was a month old!!!!) and I only today got the message that it was finally fixed (after being in the shop for a month), and the AC in my dorm has gone on the fritz for the second time in as many months. Fortunately, my RAs are cool and are letting Chelsey (my roomie) and I sleep in an unoccupied dorm until we get our air back up and running.
On the good side of things, I'm already learning a ton at work--I'm assigned to the bakery, and am learning a lot about baking in general, and how the kitchen works as a whole. One of my favorite chefs is going to be leaving for good right before we start the fall semester, which makes me sad, but he's doing it to be closer to family, so I guess I can't argue.
I'm not going to ramble for long, but just thought I'd drop a line for those who are interested. Love y'all!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wow! Six Already?!

Yesterday, as we’re celebrating his birthday, Kenaniah asked me if I “could remember the old days; you know, when I was a baby.”

Yes, Bubba, I remember the old days. For me, they weren’t that long ago at all. And I remember that some things never change. You always have loved your music.

You’ve always loved adventure.

And I know that even at six years old, you are a man out to conquer life.

Happy Birthday, Little Buddy!

We love you and look forward to the release of your first CD!