Friday, February 29, 2008

For The Children

I posted this on my personal blog, but feel stongly enough to post it here as well:
Everyone knows that being a parent is difficult. It's hard work raising children in general, but add to that the element of trying to raise Christian children in an increasingly anti-Christian world, and the job just gets tougher.

Every time I turn around I read stories about state governments that are going out of their way to protect everyone's rights except those of the Christian student and their parents. The latest (that I've heard anyway) is about SB777 in California, recently signed into law by Gov. Schwarzenegger. It ensures that no one can openly criticize homosexual and transgendered teachers. What about the protection of the children in those classrooms. We don't seem to care much about them, do we?

Or go to the Homes School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) website and read about cases all over the nation where Christian homeschool families are being targeted by local school districts, DFS offices, etc.

Of course, there are positives here and there. In Missouri our legislators are trying to pass HJR55 which would clarify students' rights to pray in public places, as well as the right of the average citizen to do the same. But at times I wonder if things like that are too little too late.

I would encourage you to check out two ministries:

1. Exodus Mandate. Their stated purpose says that, "Exodus Mandate Project is a Christian ministry to encourage and assist Christian families to leave government schools for the Promised Land of Christian schools or home schooling."

I know that sounds so radical to some, but take time to remove the historical blinders and look at the true history of education. Government education the way we do it now is a very modern invention, and I don't think those who started down this road ever intended it to go so far in removing families from the equation. Christian people need to realize that our children have been given to us to raise, not the state or anyone else, and we are responsible for their training in godliness and in everything else. Get involved parents! Your children's future depends on it.

And speaking of parental involvement...

2. This organization seeks to bring "together everyone who agrees that the vital role of parents in the lives of children should not be undermined by government action or policy." Of primary concern here is not only keeping an eye on state and federal legislation that removes parental rights in various ways, but also the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Yes I know that's been around since Clinton, but the threat still looms as there continues to be pressure for the US to officially endorse this. On the surface it seems good, and in ways it might be, but the end result would be a serious erosion of the rights of parents to bring up their children with Biblical values and principles. Check out their site for more information on this and other issues.

The bottom line is that parents need to get involved, stay involved. We've abdicated our role and responsibility in the rearing of our children to the state, and to others in general, for too long. God has called us to be parents, to ensure the faithfulness of the next generation, to be sure that future generations know of the greatness of our God. We can't do that by standing on the sidelines and letting godless government agencies determine what's best for our children. For their sake, get involved.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Joy, Joy!!

Our little Katrina is growing up. Although she's still my princess, she's not so little anymore.

But we still love you, Joy, Joy!

Happy 12th Birthday!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Online Tag

Our good friend on The Back Deck “tagged” Cheryl, which we’re told means that she has to answer the following questions. I’m not sure this is anything more than giving in to online peer pressure, but here it is.

Four jobs I’ve had
1. Homeless Ministry Counselor
2. Trail Guide
3. Child Care Worker (for years and years)
4. Private Christian School Teacher

Four movies I would watch over and over
1. Parent Trap (original)
2. White Christmas
3. 7 Brides for 7 Brothers
4. The Chronicles of Narnia

Four of my favorite foods
1. Homemade Bread
2. French Fries
3. Pizza
4. Toasted Ravioli

Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Unwrapped
2. Good Eats
3. Weather Channel
4. Bull Riding!

Four places I’ve lived
1. Missouri
2. Texas
3. North Dakota
4. Back to Missouri

Four places I’ve been on vacation
1. California
2. Florida
3. Montana
4. Colorado

Four Websites (Blogs) I visit daily
1. I’m only on the internet about once a week.
2. I like the Family Fun site
3. I have to read my husbands!
4. Kraft Foods

Four places I’d rather be right now
1. Florida Keys
2. In Bed
3. On a horse
4. Any place quiet! (The Library, etc.)

Four people I’m tagging
In an outstanding act of mercy, I will refrain from tagging anyone else!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

We Have A Winner!

Today was the annual Soup and Chili Cookoff at our church. LoriAnn entered a nice "hot root soup," but the soup competition was very heated this year, pardon the pun. Nathanael picked through a cookbook from the library, combining a couple of different recipies to come up with his own concoction . . . and won second place!This is actually the second time he has finished as runner-up, placing second two years ago. Of course Dad reminds us that he has bragging rights in the house, since he won first place in last year's contest. (Is there room in the house for all this ego?!?)

Congratulations Nathanael!

Sad, Sad Sight

As great as the recent snow was, it didn't last nearly long enough. And there is nothing sadder than a lonely snowman, reduced to twigs and dirt sticking out, being the only remaining snow anywhere in sight. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

More Dragons and Friends

Well, we finally had our first decent snow this season. Turned out to be a perfect day: enough snow to work with, a fairly warm and sunny day to enjoy it, and it happened to be my day off! So out we went to toboggan down the back hill, have a snow ball fight (which Nathanael and Dad won by the way) and to make some snow critters. Actually, the older two made snow critters since the younger two are getting over colds and couldn't stay out that long.

LoriAnn kept with her dragon theme and made a snow dragon:
And Nathanael rolled up a traditional snow man to keep him company:Hope you all are enjoying winter wherever you are.