Saturday, November 22, 2008

Our Daughter: The Writer...Update

We previously mentioned that our oldest little blessing, under the pen name "Elyn W. Marsh" had one short story and one poem "bought" by the online magazine Mindflights.

Since then, they have also picked up another of her poems, and most exciting of all they decided to include her short story in the print version. Our copy arrived in the mail just the other day.
It's pretty exciting to pick up a book, open the pages, and find your own words staring back at you. The book is simply a collection of some of the material posted on the website, but if anyone is interested, you can go here to purchas a copy.

Congratulations, Sunshine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congradulations, Trav! Galadriel II from BotB forum here. Where are you? We need you on the Outtakes!