Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Fair Fair Season

It’s been a pretty fair Fair Season around our house. It started with Katrina going over to a neighboring county to enter her rabbits in the junior fair there. She won the Showmanship Award as well as the Best in Show for her little half-lop Pipi.

Back here at our home County Fair, everyone but Dad and Nathanael had some entries. And everyone won something.

Mom one some red ribbons for her antique doll house furniture, some crocheting, and some bead work.
LoriAnn won blue ribbons for her homemade Barbie clothes, her watercolor, and some winter mitts she made. She won a third place ribbon for her homemade stuffed dragon, and won Best In Show for her collection of poetry.Katrina won blue ribbons for her Lego castle, a short poem, and a beaded bracelet. Then she won Best In Show for her horse drawing.
Even Kenaniah won a blue ribbon for his collection of toy football helmets.
As I said, all in all a pretty fair Fair Season. Guess next year Nathanael and Dad will have to get in on the act!

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