Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thanks, Mom!

You know how you get embarrassed when mom pulls out the photo album and starts showing those old baby pictures and things. Well, my mom was nice enough to put it on the INTERNET!! She's been doing a lot of work on our family tree over at, and told us to go check it out.

Actually, it was pretty cool. She's traced us back to the 1600s in Ireland on one side, and in the midst of that tree is a genuine hero. Lt. James McGuire, my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather on mom's side, fought along side Daniel Boone in Kentucky. In fact, he was killed in action during the Battle of Blue Licks, KY, considered to be the last battle of the Revolution. There's an historical marker with his name and everything.

But, anyway, back to the original topic, the kids were looking at the site with me and we started going through the pictures Grandma had posted. And lo, and behold, this comes up.
That's right, Me, at two months old with my big brother, Mark. Right there (and now right here I guess, on the Internet). The kids loved it. So thanks, Grandma. I'll see if I can dig something up to pay you back with!

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