The mighty lion roars, a noble
eagles soars.
The wolf cries to the moon,
praying that our Lord's coming is soon.
Flowers bloom and birds make
song, bringing joy to all who come along.
Whales crash and stars sing;
praise honor, glory to the King.
Water, wind and sky, answer
God's cry.
All creation heeds His call. All
but one who's taken a fall.
Man, to whom all was given. To
sin by Satan driven.
Driven to rebell and start on
the path to hell.
Thinking we were better than
God, even though He made us from sod.
He by right should've destroyed
us, but instead, He pitied us.
So He sent His Son, to forgive
what's been done.
And we... I, put him on a cross
go die!
I beat Him, I spat on Him!
I drove nails into Him, brought
humiliation to Him!
Yet His words were not of wrath,
but of love to put me back on the path.
He died my death, then was laid
to rest.
But He arose the victor,
forgiving this lowly cur.
That I might come in, He
pardoned all my sin.
And now I join creation, in
praising the God of my salvation.
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