LoriAnn (16)
What am I most thankful for? Hm, now, let me think
I’m thankful for my family, My sibs, my Mom and Dad
I’m thankful for our house, For our two dogs, and cat
I’m thankful for my many books, I’m thankful for the trees
I’m thankful for food to eat, From broccoli (bleh!) to cheese.
I’m thankful for God’s loving care, I’m thankful for His grace
I’m thankful for things like monkeys, For lilac buds and lace
I’m thankful for the world I live in (With all its troubles too)
I’m thankful for good poetry, I’m thankful, friend, for you!
So in answer to your questions “what are you thankful for?”
I’d have to say, “Nothing in particular,
Particularly everything!”
Nathanael (13)
I’m thankful for sharks; mainly great-white and tiger sharks. Also birds; mainly birds of prey such as eagles and falcons. What I like about sharks is that they are so powerful; and about birds of prey I like that they’re so majestic and powerful.
Katrina (11)
I’m thankful for the animals
I’m thankful for the trees
I’m thankful for my Lord today
I’m thankful for my family
I’m thankful for my good friends
I’m thankful for my answered prayers
I’m thankful for my guitar to play
I’m thankful for each bright new day
I’m thankful for my many blessings
I’m thankful for Thanksgiving!
Psalm 10:4 - Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.

Kenaniah (3)
Here’s the picture he made at our homeschool co-op last week. Each leaf represents a thing he is thankful for. In case you can’t read them, the list includes: Mom & Dad, Sisters & Brother, God, Jesus, Cars, Boats & Trains, Cake & Candles, Giraffe, Tigger
A Thanksgiving Primer
A-Altar – Our family worship time led by Scott
B-Babies – held in God’s wisdom & missed in our hearts
C-Corn – 3 little corn kernels that were rationed during the Pilgrim’s 1st year
D-Dad – mine, who homeschooled us on vacations and life before we knew what homeschooling was
E-Everything – It’s true, I’m ashamed to admit, I stole it from my daughter’s but I need to be thankful in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:18). The good, the bad and all the tiny details in between.
F-Family – My family, my church family at Faith SBC, and my friends
G-God – who called us before He created us (or anything else) Eph 1:3
H-Home – Our earthly home and our heavenly one Ps 16:6
I-Instruments – to praise his name; from voices to flute and guitar
J-Joy – Psalm 98:7-8
K-Katrina our Joy, Joy and Kenaniah our sweet surprise
L-LoriAnn our 16 yr-old Sunshine
M-My Mom in heaven; I really miss her but am also thankful for my mother-in-love
N-Nathanael our gift from God
O-Ozarks – A sanctuary. Ps 147:7-18
P-Pilgrims – who risked everything for a godly heritage
Q-Quiet – people, places, and moments. Zeph. 3:17
R-Rest in God alone. Ps 62:1
S-Scott – my sweetheart. Ps. 1:1-3
T-Turkey and all the trimmings!
U-Unfailing – God’s promises, plans, and power never fail even when His people do
V-Voice of the Martyrs – for their faith and courage
W-Witness – Heb. 12:1 Those who have come before and will come after
X-Xerxes & the story of Esther who reminds us that we were born for “just such a time as this.” These moments and days were placed by God’s design and purposes
Y-Young – He gathers the lambs into his arms and carries them close to His heart; he gently leads those that have young. Is 40:11
Z-Zechariah – “for I have seen your salvation. He’s the light of the Gentiles and the glory of His people Israel.” Luke 2:31 and Michael Card
Thankfulness is such a strange beast.
We talk about it, maybe even feel it. But seldom act on it.
I’m thankful for much, and not just the least.
But do I show it, or even say it? Do others know it?
God has given me a Christ-centered wife
Beauty and grace wrapped up in one.
He’s brought four other blessings in my life
Daughter, son, daughter, then son.
Of course I deserve none of these things.
I’m a stubborn man, a selfish man, a prideful man.
But in spite of, on top of all He brings
The Son of Man, part of His plan, makes me a new man.
And for that grace above all,
I’m thankful.
1 comment:
Such a lovely family. You make me
feel the love of God.
A Member of Faith Baptist Church
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